Rector: Fr. Kua Apple
As my name implies (the legal part of which is Kuahiwi, short for a much longer name) I was born and spent most of my life in Hawaii. Prior to becoming a priest I was a forensic chemist, but at God's urging Kymbra (my bride of almost 44 years) and I left Hawaii on October 31, 2005 in order to attend Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. I thank God my Father regularly for the Christ-centered, Scripturally grounded and godly preparation for ministry I received there.
I graduated with a Masters of Divinity in 2010; was ordained by Archbishop Duncan to the Diaconate (and later the Priesthood) in the Anglican Church in North America, and spent a year serving as a chaplain at Western Pennsylvania Hospital. St. Martin's invited me to be their rector in 2011, and I gratefully accepted.
Jesus is faithful (he always is) and good, and serving as his under-shepherd in his St. Martin's family is a privalege and joy. I love to talk about the wonderous works of God here, so feel free to call (724-777-0817) and we'll find a time to get together and "talk story".
Grace and peace in God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Assisting Priest: The Rev. Canon John A. Macdonald
(DMiss, Fuller Theological Seminary), is a former long-term missionary to Honduras and is the Emeritus Associate Professor of Mission and Evangelism at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. While in Honduras, Dr. Macdonald served as the head of a church planting team in the capital city of Tegucigalpa, was Canon for Evangelism for the Diocese of Honduras, and then Dean of the Catedral del Buen Pastor (Good Shepherd Cathedral) in San Pedro Sula. While at Trinity, he was also the Director of the Stanway Institute for World Mission and Evangelism where he directed the mission program. This included representing Trinity at various international meetings and leading students on mission discipleship trips primarily to East Africa and Southeast Asia. He has traveled to over sixty countries and has made nearly thirty trips to Africa. Among other voluntary mission organizations, he serves as Vice-Chair of the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS-USA), represents SAMS-USA in the Church Mission Society International Network, and is a consultant to Anglican Global Mission Partners. He is the Chair of Kenya Christian Education Partnership and was instrumental in the founding of Tumaini Academy in Northern Kenya as well as St. Andrew’s High School there. In 2020, he was named to the Board of Trustees of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF). As the former chair of the Steering Committee of Anglican Global Mission Partners, he has represented the mission network at the annual Anglican Church of North America Provincial Council. Dr. Macdonald has published numerous articles in various journals and other media outlets, and his photographs have appeared in a number of publications. He is also the author of the Christian allegory/fantasy Pachunga published by iUniverse, a division of Penguin Books. He has been married to his wife, Gail, for almost forty years and has three married adult children and one grandson.